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MAC: Developing Benign Cross-Strait Interactions is the Mainland’s Unshirkable Responsibility

  • Date:2018-03-05

Date: March 5, 2018

MAC Press Release No. 21


        The Mainland Affairs Council (MAC) on March 5 stated in regard to comments by high-level officials and Taiwan-related personnel in mainland China that the dedicated efforts by the government of the Republic of China to maintain regional peace and benign cross-Strait interactions are apparent to all. The other side must face up to the fact that this is the expectation of the people of Taiwan for the peaceful and stable development of cross-Strait relations. This is a mutual responsibility of the two sides. The other side cannot shirk responsibility for this by unilaterally passing the buck to Taiwan or deliberately avoiding the issue.

        The MAC stressed that the government promotes cross-Strait relations according to democratic mechanisms and mainstream public opinion with the main objective to firmly defend Taiwan's dignity and rights. We believe that cross-Strait exchanges and cooperation should be based on mutual benefit, promotion of mutual prosperity, and ensuring the people's welfare. The people of Taiwan will not feel sincere goodwill nor trust if there are hidden political preconditions, objectives, and tactics behind the scenes and only the benefits for one’s own economic development are considered.

        The MAC reiterated that the government has steadfastly committed to a policy of maintaining the status quo of peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait. This is our pledge and insistence. We call on mainland China to embrace a forward-looking, innovative, and positive mindset on the development path for cross-Strait relations. The start of a new cross-Strait era is only possible through pragmatic communication and dialogue. The MAC is also closely watching internal meetings in mainland China and their potential impact on the follow-up internal and external situation and development of cross-Strait relations.