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Aug 17, 2004, No. 054

  • Date:2004-08-17

Regarding the statement made by President Chen Shui-bian on the cross-Strait “Three-Links” when he received the representatives of the Board of Directors and Supervisors of the Council for Industrial and Commercial Development, the Mainland Affairs Council (MAC) expresses that the statement of President Chen Shui-bian today was consistent in spirit with the contents of his May 20 inaugural address, which reiterated that his administration would promote cross-Strait cultural, economic, and trade exchanges, including the “Three-Links,” to conform to the welfare of the people and the expectations of the international community. The Government will exert all its strength to carry out these tasks based on the principles and directions proclaimed by President Chen in his May 20 inaugural address

The MAC points out that the Mainland authorities have recently stressed repeatedly in public that the cross-Strait “Three-Links” should be pushed forward based on the so-called principle of “one China.” At the same time, they have also clearly pointed out that the cross-Strait “Three-Links” are their “domestic affairs.” As a matter of fact, the Mainland’s statements are unnecessary and have no benefit for the materialization of cross-Strait negotiations on the direct transportation links.

The MAC reiterates that the Government has always advocated that both sides of the Strait can resume negotiations on any issue at any time under the condition that no pre-condition is set up. This position has never changed. The problems involved in the issue on the cross-Strait “Three-Links,” which includes the nature of the cross-Strait routes, can be readily solved through mutual negotiation on an equal footing. President Chen’s statement on the “Three-Links” issue today further shows our goodwill. We hope that both sides of the Strait could jointly find a starting point for starting negotiations on the direct transportation links based on this foundation.
