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President Tsai meets Hoover Institution delegation (excerpt: cross-strait relations)

  • Date:2022-08-23

Russia's invasion of Ukraine this year has highlighted the continuing expansion of authoritarianism. In standing up to fight for and defend their homeland, the people of Ukraine have been a great inspiration to the rest of the world. They have shown the necessity of safeguarding one's own freedom and democracy.

Sixty-four years ago, during the August 23 Artillery War of 1958, our soldiers and civilians operated in solidarity and safeguarded Taiwan, thanks to which we have the democratic Taiwan of today. That battle to protect our homeland showed the world that no threat of any kind can shake the Taiwanese people's resolve to defend their nation – not in the past, not now, and not in the future. We, too, will show the world that the people of Taiwan have both the resolve and the confidence to safeguard peace, security, freedom, and prosperity for ourselves. 

Recently, China's military exercises in areas around Taiwan have posed significant threats to the status quo across the Taiwan Strait and throughout the region. Countries in the region and global democratic partners have expressed serious concern about China's actions. At the same time, these challenges have also reminded us that we democratic partners must strengthen our alliances to jointly defend against interference by authoritarian states and protect regional peace and stability.

I would like to thank the US and other G7 members for their staunch support for Taiwan, which has once again strengthened our determination to consolidate our self-defense capabilities. As Taiwan stands on the frontline of authoritarian expansionism, we continue to bolster our autonomy in national defense. We will also continue to work with the US on this front.

With autocracy continuing to make inroads around the globe, Taiwan and the US should also be working together to build safer and more resilient supply chains. This is one of our key priorities.