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MAC Issues a Solemn Explanation in response to the Statement by the Hong Kong Government Early this Morning (October 23, 2019), which Brazenly Refused to Allow Taiwan Prosecutors and Police Officers to Bring Back the Suspect and Evidence of the Homicide Case

  • Date:2019-10-23

Date: October 23, 2019
MAC Press Release No. 93

(1) In the course of handling this matter, the Hong Kong government first deliberately renounced its own jurisdiction and then ignored Taiwan's requests, intentionally procrastinated and refused to hand over the suspect to Taiwan. It even openly suggested that the suspect could fly alone to Taiwan, completely disregarded the safety of passengers on the same flight just to achieve the political purposes and arrangements of letting the suspect "voluntarily surrender." It was unbelievable that the Hong Kong government was willing to let Hong Kong turn into a criminal paradise where murderers can walk around freely. 

(2) The statement by the Hong Kong government claimed that "the suspect’s decision to surrender is purely out of his own free will." This is tantamount to saying that, if the suspect was unwilling to surrender, the Hong Kong government would not care if he walks free, willfully leaving the victim's family without recourse to justice. This surely is not the behavior of a responsible government.

(3) The Hong Kong government wishfully and unilaterally treated this as a voluntarily surrender case, however, under the relevant laws in Taiwan, a suspect wanted in a homicide case and being at large does not meet the conditions of voluntarily surrender. We hope that the Hong Kong government be aware of and respects Taiwan's laws and legal systems, not to mislead the public. Or else, it might appear to confirm Hong Kong government’s actions do have "ulterior motives", as alleged. 

(4) The Hong Kong government claimed in its statement that, "In March this year, we formally suggested sending a delegation to Taiwan for discussing co-operation arrangement on the homicide case. Yet, no positive reply was received from Taiwan." However, the truth is, Taiwan's legal department had made three requests for mutual judicial assistance last year. This year Taiwan has also repeatedly expressed the hope for judicial cooperation through existing channels between the two sides and public appeals. However, the Hong Kong government did not respond to our requests. We believe that the Hong Kong government had this wishful thinking that the extradition [to China] bill could be approved; therefore, it decided to reach out to Taiwan and suggested to hold consultations. Nonetheless, when the Hong Kong government introduced the extradition [to China] bill, it immediately met with widespread opposition. Taiwan, under such circumstance, as expected, won’t endorse this vile law that undermines human rights and freedom.

(5) The request made by Taiwan is, with the consent of the Hong Kong government and the cooperation of Hong Kong local law enforcement, our prosecutors and police officers would be allowed to go to Hong Kong and escort the suspect back to Taiwan. This is the international convention for mutual judicial assistance. The Hong Kong government's claim that by suggesting so Taiwan disrespects Hong Kong's jurisdictional power is incomprehensible. In addition, Hong Kong government claimed that, "…for other evidence, Hong Kong will, under the legal framework and following the procedures, provide all necessary assistance.” Taiwan had already made such requests, twice long ago and once again yesterday. Why did the Hong Kong government not act immediately? Also, why not reply positively to our request for prosecutors to go to Hong Kong to obtain the case file? With the Hong Kong government’s attitude flip-flopping in a deliberate and deceptive way, we trust that the public will make its own judgment. 

(6) The MAC reiterates that, since early last year, when this case first emerged, our government has made the fullest effort and shown a sincere willingness to work with Hong Kong to bring justice for the victim's family. However, the Hong Kong government has completely ignored this goodwill. Instead, the Hong Kong government was hoist with its own petard when it maneuvered to push forth the extradition [to China] bill. The discontent and anger of the Hong Kong people has not subsided till this day. Now once more it rejects our request for cooperation. We again warn the Hong Kong government that it shall take full responsibility for all bitter consequences to come.