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Apr. 13, 2006, No. 034

  • Date:2006-04-13

Chairman Wu: We hope to improve cross-strait relations through policies such as opening up tourism in Taiwan for Chinese tourists and cargo and passenger charter flights

In a meeting with U.S. Congressman John Linder today (April 13, 2006), Mainland Affairs Council Chairman Jaushieh Joseph Wu stated that Taiwan is a democratic country whose popularly-elected president has not been treated fairly because of China’s suppression in various ways. Looking to the future of cross-strait relations, it is difficult to predict whether or not China will progress towards democratization. Through various opening up polices, including opening up tourism in Taiwan for Chinese tourists and implementing cross-strait cargo and passenger charter flights, the Taiwanese government hopes to improve cross-strait relations and therefore maintain stability in the Taiwan Strait and Asia-Pacific region.

Chairman Wu indicated that freedom and democracy constitute a common language between the U.S. and Taiwan. He expressed the privilege of attending President George W. Bush's second term inauguration ceremony in January 2004. In his inauguration speech, President Bush’s emphasized that U.S. foreign policy is based on freedom and democracy. Chairman Wu urged the U.S. to carry out its democracy- and freedom-based foreign policy, to help Taiwan join the World Health Organization (WHO), and to sign a U.S.-Taiwan free trade agreement as soon as possible.

Chairman Wu stated that although the Internet has become widely accessible in China in recent years, the Chinese authorities have used advanced technology to strictly control online speech, which prevents the Chinese people from free access to outside information. Chairman Wu pointed out that transnational enterprises should shoulder their ethical responsibility. They should not assist the Chinese authorities in suppressing freedom of speech just for pursuing their own commercial interests.

In response to a question raised by Congressman Linder, Chairman Wu replied that he strongly agrees with U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld regarding his comments on China’s military expansion. Although China has no external enemies surrounding its borders and has no urgent defensive needs, China has been rapidly strengthening its military deployment over recent years. This has not only raised concerns among countries in the Asia region but it has also had a negative impact on the Taiwan Strait situation and cross-strait relations.

Congressman Linder is a member of the Congressional Taiwan Caucus in the U.S. House of Representatives. Both Congressman Linder and Chairman Wu exchanged various views on cross-strait relations, future development of China, as well as U.S.-Taiwan relations. Chairman Wu also urged Congressman Linder to continue to support Taiwan in the U.S. Congress to consolidate friendship ties between the U.S. and Taiwan. The meeting was harmonious and lasted for one hour.
