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Feb 28, 2007, No. 024

  • Date:2007-02-28

MAC: China should respect Taiwan's identification with history and Taiwan-centric values

The Mainland Affairs Council (MAC) indicated today (February 28, 2007) that the process of Taiwan’s democratization and human rights development constitutes an important page in Taiwan's history. Moreover, the Taiwanese government respects the aspiration of the Taiwanese people to restore historical truth and to seek fairness and justice. The MAC solemnly stated that in their pursuit of restoring historical truth, the Taiwanese people will not identify with any unrelated persons or foreign governments that make irresponsible remarks and hold views intentionally distorting the facts. On the contrary, such actions will only further alienate the sentiments of the Taiwanese people toward them.

According to the historical record and collective memory of the Taiwanese people, during the 228 Incident that occurred 60 years ago, the government then in power brutally persecuted innocent people and local elites, leaving the Taiwanese people with a deep and painful memory. By commemorating the past, the Taiwanese people can better understand the truth of the past; and in revealing this truth, those who were victimized or suffered hardships can be consoled. At the same time, the revelation of the truth can provide the perpetrators of past events with an opportunity to engage in deep self-reflection. The Taiwanese people have sufficient breadth of mind to forgive. But understanding and reflection regarding past mistakes are not only the most important step in ensuring that such tragedies will not occur again, but also the most important link in pushing forward and consolidating democracy in Taiwan.

The MAC stated that 18 years ago an incident occurred in Beijing during which innocent students were massacred in the Tiananmen Square by Chinese troops. In their future investigation into the truth of the Beijing massacre, the Chinese people will certainly have the same feeling as the 23 million Taiwanese people have today. Just like the Taiwanese government, the Chinese authorities should face the same international human rights standards. Moreover, only when the Chinese authorities admit their past mistakes will basic human rights be guaranteed in China.

The MAC indicated that over the past two decades, the process of deepening democracy in Taiwan has gradually fostered the Taiwanese people’s identification with their country, history and culture, and Taiwan-centric values. China and the international community should respect that identification. The MAC emphasized that two years ago the Chinese authorities irrationally enacted a so-called “anti-separation law” in an attempt to force Taiwan to accept the unilateral political framework that China has established. At present, the greatest obstacle to the development of cross-strait relations comes from the fact that China is attempting to change the status quo in the Taiwan Strait through non-peaceful means and is unwilling to recognize the fact that Taiwan and China have no jurisdiction over each other.

The MAC expressed the view that the ultimate goal of the Taiwanese government’s cross-strait policy has always been to seek peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait. Under this precondition, Taiwan will continue to promote cross-strait exchanges according to established steps, and to urge the Chinese authorities to unconditionally resume normal dialogue and negotiations between both sides across the Strait. The MAC reiterated that the government must fully take the leading role in conducting cross-strait interactions and negotiations regarding issues involving government authority, with assistance from agencies that have been legally authorized by the government. This is the only way to fully protect the rights and interests of the people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, while also meeting the expectations of the international community toward cross-strait negotiations and interactions.
