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Mar. 06, 2005, No. 033

  • Date:2005-03-06

The Mainland Affairs Council reiterates that the Republic of China is an Independent Sovereign State; the Republic of China and the People’s Republic of China have no Jurisdiction over each other

The Mainland Affairs Council (MAC) reiterated today that the Republic of China (ROC) is an independent sovereign state. The ROC and the People’s Republic of China have no jurisdiction over each other and have coexisted in the international community. This is the status quo in the Taiwan Strait. The MAC indicated that China’s enactment of the “anti-separation law” (so-called anti-secession law) is an attempt at unilaterally defining and changing the universally acknowledged cross-strait status quo. Therefore, this will be a major source of turbulence and instability in the region.

With regard to Chinese Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing’s statement today, the MAC emphasized that China has constantly employed its “one China” principle in the international arena and across the Strait in an attempt to restrict Taiwanese people’s space for development. China has arbitrarily used its unilateral definition of the so-called “one China” as a precondition for peaceful cross-strait negotiations. Not only has China continuously upgraded its military deployment against Taiwan, but it has also declared that it will not renounce the use of force against Taiwan. These actions are entirely in violation of the universal values of democracy and peace. The enactment of the “anti-separation law” is an attempt to legalize the use of non-peaceful means to solve the Taiwan issue. It has raised the concerns among the US, Japan, and the European Union. Apparently, China’s unilateral actions have seriously affected regional security and stability in East Asia.

At the same time, the MAC indicated that Taiwan has always engaged in diplomatic efforts under the principles of equality and reciprocity, and concern for the international community. Taiwan does not want to compete in “money diplomacy” with China. On the contrary, it is blatantly obvious that China has recently employed inferior tactics in the international community, such as its offer of US$137 million and US$250 million to Nauru and Grenada respectively, in return for their severance of diplomatic relations with Taiwan. The total amount of money far exceeds the amount which China donated to the tsunami victims in South Asia. China must re-examine itself and refrain from carelessly throwing accusations at Taiwan.

The MAC also reiterated that the Chinese government has always been inconsistent in its words and actions. Despite the peaceful overture presented by the Chinese leaders in an effort to draw attention away from the enactment of the “anti-separation law,” China cannot cover up its attempt to unilaterally define the scope of cross-strait interaction and give itself a blank check to use force against Taiwan as well as its wicked intention of sabotaging cross-strait peace and stability. China has taken this action without any consideration for the consensus of the Taiwanese people; it has also maliciously ignored the international community’s concerns. These are entirely irrational and hegemonic acts. The MAC stated that the Chinese government insists on enacting a law that would restrict the peaceful development of cross-strait relations, then the Chinese leaders are merely paying lip-service to their call for peace. Their often uttered phrases, “love of peace,” “working for the welfare of the Taiwanese people,” and “placing the hopes on the Taiwanese people” would then be mere rhetoric aimed at deceiving the public and disguising their true intention. The Taiwanese people and the international community will certainly see through China’s hegemonic mentality and its wild ambition to invade Taiwan by force. They will disdain and condemn China’s crude actions.
