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Taiwan has never been a part of the PRC; the CCP's Military Actions Seriously Undermine Peace in the Taiwan Strait and Region

  • Date:2019-06-02

    The Mainland Affairs Council (MAC) today (June 2, 2019) solemnly condemned the threatening comments made by mainland China's Minister of National Defense Wei Fenghe at the Shangri-La Dialogue, which stated that "…the Chinese military will…fight at all cost for national unity" and "…make no promise to renounce the use of force." 

1. The Republic of China (ROC) is a sovereign state. Taiwan has never been part of the People's Republic of China (PRC). The Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP’s) attempts to threatened Taiwan and regional security with the use of force in the international arena would never be accepted. Beijing's ambition of hegemonic expansion affected more than just cross-Strait peace and stability. It also challenged international norms and order and raised anxiety and concern among countries in the region. Beijing's claim of advocating for "peaceful development" has long been recognized by the international community as the lie of the century. 

2. Since the issuance of "Xi's five-point," the CCP has intensified not only its political and military threats against Taiwan but also the united front campaign to divide Taiwan. With People's Liberation Army (PLA) military aircraft and naval vessels operating frequently in the vicinity of Taiwan, mainland China has sought to coerce Taiwan into accepting its "one country, two systems" initiative. It has also tried to convince Taiwan society to echo its policy through infiltration. We called upon all sides to be aware of the CCP's anti-democratic and non-peaceful maneuvers internationally and across the Taiwan Strait, as well as its intention to resort to war over Taiwan. This is the main cause of tension in the Taiwan Strait and the region and a source of harm and provocation to peace and stability. 

3. Taiwan has been at the forefront of defense against the spread of totalitarianism. It will continue to strengthen its defense capabilities, defend national sovereignty and democratic institutions, and firmly uphold the right of the 23 million Taiwanese people to freely choose their own future. Taiwan will also actively deepen cooperation with like-minded countries and be a responsible partner in the Indo-Pacific region.
