
外交部長吳釗燮在「洛杉磯世界事務協會」以「臺灣:美國在自由開放印太地區的恆久夥伴」(Taiwan: An Enduring Partner with the US in the Free and Open Indo-Pacific)為題發表演說,彰顯臺美長久情誼

  • 張貼日:108-03-12
  • 發布單位:外交部

外交部部長吳釗燮於美西時間本(3)月11日中午出席「洛杉磯世界事務協會」(Los Angeles World Affairs Council, LAWAC)舉辦的午餐會,以「臺灣:美國在自由開放印太地區的恆久夥伴」(Taiwan: An Enduring Partner with the US in the Free and Open Indo-Pacific)為題發表演說。
吳部長在演說中提及,臺灣歷經38年戒嚴時期,從未放棄對自由民主的追求,終於綻放民主之花。誠如美國副總統彭斯(Mike Pence)所稱:「臺灣對民主的擁抱,為全世界華人展示了一條更好的道路」。然而臺灣面對威權主義威脅,時時感受中國不斷加大恫嚇,企圖顛覆臺灣民主,影響臺海穩定並威脅區域和平,不僅考驗臺灣人民的決心,亦攸關其他休戚與共及理念相近夥伴。臺灣將堅持抵禦中國擴張主義,向世界展示民主是一條更好的道路。
吳部長也指出,《臺灣關係法》是臺美深厚、強健及全面夥伴關係的基石,在《臺灣關係法》邁入立法40週年之際,臺美關係的堅實更勝以往。自蔡總統上任以來,美國國會通過諸多友我法案,美方宣佈多項對臺軍售,大力支持我國際參與等,均是臺美關係持續深化的絕佳展現。外交部以「TRA@40:臺美恆久夥伴∕TRA@40:An Enduring Partnership」為主軸,舉辦一系列活動,凸顯臺美友好情誼,並彰顯雙方共享利益與價值,包括此時正在臺北舉行的「印太地區保衛宗教自由公民社會對話」。
「洛杉磯世界事務協會」為無黨派的非營利組織,成立至今64年,宗旨在促進美國人民與外界交流,經常邀請國際事務重要人士赴洛城演說,過去曾邀得8位美國總統及逾250名外國元首、外交部長、國會議員及軍事將領在該協會發表演說。本次午餐會在洛杉磯Millennium Biltmore Hotel(MBH)飯店舉行,吸引該會會員、媒體、學者及僑胞等近300位各界人士踴躍出席。
2019 年 3 月 11 日
非常高興回到洛杉磯,過去我與家人曾開車,沿著令人驚豔的加州海岸公路飽覽風光,大啖 In-N-Out 餐廳漢堡,日子好不愜意!自從擔任外交部長,這些對我來說都變成奢侈的享受。
感謝貴會今日的邀請,半個多世紀以來,貴會一直致力於推動全球事務的對話工作。對於你們的宗旨:「對話很重要」,我深有同感。我也認為只要我們能坐下來彼此對話,就能促進友誼及合作。因此,我今天很榮幸利用這個機會,與各位分享有關民主臺灣 2,300 萬人民的故事,還有我們 40 年來與美國堅若磐石的夥伴關係,以及臺灣在印太以及其他地區扮演良善力量的角色。
我今天在此,回想到雷根總統 1988 年在貴會的演講。當時他呼籲全球共同捍衛民主及自由,其中提及臺灣追求自由,因而享受經濟奇蹟的成功果實。雷根總統當時的話語,今時今日仍然成立,甚至有過之而無不及。
臺灣人民歷經 38 年戒嚴時期,從未放棄對自由民主的追求。經由許多人對公民自由民主的努力與犧牲,臺灣終於走出黑暗,綻放民主之花。我們已成為華人世界少數的民主國家。誠如美國副總統彭斯去(2018)年 10 月提及:「臺灣對民主的擁抱,為全世界華人展示了一條更好的道路」。臺灣誓言捍衛及強化這個民主堡壘,並確保它屹立不搖。
近來臺灣在國際上各項自由及民主評比名列前茅,自由之家、人權觀察及無國界記者等國際組織皆對我予以肯定,均足令臺灣人民自豪。我們的公民社會非常活躍,有能力為當前迫切的全球議題做出貢獻。臺灣經濟活動自由開放;在「傳統基金會」2019 年經濟自由度報告中,我國排名在 180 個國家中挺進全球第 10 名。如果其他國家想要視臺灣為楷模,我們當仁不讓。
中國的威脅日盛,臺美關係則愈發強健。今年我們將紀念「臺灣關係法」立法 40 周年。
「臺灣關係法」在 1979 年 4 月 10 日立法生效,用來保護臺美斷交後重要的安全和經貿利益。該法在塑造美國亞洲戰略過程中,扮演重要的角色,提供可靠的安全保護傘,使臺灣得以成長茁壯,成為全世界領先的自由市場民主國家。「臺灣關係法」是臺美深厚、強健及全面夥伴關係的指導原則和基石。
當我們同慶 40 年來的亙久友誼時,更要讓這份以共同價值為基礎、蓬勃發展的雙邊強健關係再上一層。蔡總統於 2016年 5 月就職後,臺美夥伴關係更加穩固。國會山莊對我展現熱烈的跨黨派支持,參眾兩院紛紛通過諸多友臺法案、條文與聲明。在安全合作領域上亦有顯著進展,美方公布多項對臺軍售。此外,美國亦對臺灣參與國際活動展現空前的支持。政治交流方面,中央與地方官員訪臺人數創新高,其中包括來自加州的助理國務卿瑪麗‧羅伊斯,前來出席美國在臺協會新辦公大樓的落成典禮。這棟雄偉先進的建築,也是臺美友誼堅如磐石的明證。
為慶祝臺美 40 年來的深厚情誼,外交部以「臺美恆久夥伴」為主題,與美方合作舉辦為期一年的紀念活動。我們已準備好舉辦一系列展現臺美文化、教育、歷史情誼,並且凸顯雙方關切議題與共同價值的活動,來彰顯雙邊的密切關係。舉例來說,我很高興向各位報告,就在我發表演講的時候,臺灣正舉行宗教自由區域論壇,這是繼去年在華府舉辦的全球部長級宗教自由會議後,首度登場的區域層級對話。

Taiwan: An Enduring Partner with the US in the Free and Open Indo-Pacific
Remarks at the World Affairs Council in Los Angeles
March 11, 2019
Members of the Los Angeles World Affairs Council, distinguished guests, and friends in California: Jia ba buay? Have you eaten yet? This is a traditional Taiwanese way to say hello. It’s a true delight for me to be back n Los Angeles. I fondly remember the city, taking my family for a drive along the breathtaking Pacific Coast Highway and stopping for an In-NOut Burger—all that fun stuff I don’t have the luxury to do since becoming Foreign Minister.
I would like to thank the Council for inviting me to speak today. For more than half a century, the Council has dedicated itself to promoting dialogue on global issues. Your slogan, “conversations matter,” resonates deeply within my heart, for I also believe that as long as we are able to sit down and talk to one another, we can promote friendship and partnership. Therefore, I am honored to have this opportunity to share with you the story of the 23 million people in democratic Taiwan, our 40-years rocksolid partnership with the United States, and Taiwan’s role as a force for good in the Indo-Pacific and beyond.
A Frontline State for Freedom and Democracy
I stand before the World Affairs Council today remembering President Reagan’s 1988 speech at the Council where he called for a worldwide crusade for freedom and democracy, and cited Taiwan in the array of economic miracles that bore fruit thanks to the advocacy of freedom. President Reagan’s remarks still ring true, now more than ever.
The people of Taiwan endured 38 painful years of martial law, but we never gave up on our pursuit for freedom and democracy. Through the efforts of many who sacrificed for our civil liberties and freedom, Taiwan has moved out of that dark chapter of history and blossomed into a fullfledged democracy─one of the only democracies amongst Chinesespeaking societies. As Vice President Mike Pence acknowledged in October last year: “Taiwan’s embrace of democracy shows a better path for all the Chinese people.” And we are absolutely committed to defending and strengthening our democracy, and ensuring that it remains resilient.
The people of Taiwan are rightfully proud that today, Taiwan is consistently ranked as one of the freest and most democratic countries in the world by international organizations such as Freedom House, Human Rights Watch, and Reporters Without Borders. Taiwan maintains a robust civil society, one that has the capacity to contribute to pressing issues around the world. And Taiwan maintains a free and open economy, having achieved its best ever ranking of 10th out of 180 countries in the 2019 global economic freedom index of the Heritage Foundation’s annual report. We will not be shy if you want to take Taiwan as a role model for others to emulate.
But we know that we cannot take these accomplishments for granted.
Looking around, rising authoritarian regimes and growing illiberal populist movements have cast a shadow over global freedom in recent years. We live in fraught times. The US National Security Strategy has stated that revisionist powers use technology, propaganda and coercion to reshape a world antithetical to our interests and values. These alarming trends remind us of the importance of safeguarding Taiwan, given its position on the frontlines against the marching armies of authoritarianism.
For it is true, Taiwan is the first line of defense in an ideological battle that is taking place in Australia, Japan, the United States, Europe, and in likeminded societies all over the world. We have felt the brunt of China’s intensified campaign to subvert Taiwan's democracy every day, through military intimidation, economic coercion, diplomatic assaults, disinformation, and political subversion, seeking to undermine our elected government and interfere with our elections.
At the beginning of this year, China’s President Xi Jinping delivered a speech on Taiwan on January 2, touting unification with the “one country, two systems” model, which is recognized around the world as having corroded Hong Kong’s civil liberties, political rights, and rule of law. And contrary to China’s earlier promises to win the “hearts and minds” of the Taiwanese people, Xi also blatantly declared that China would not renounce the use of force, and retain the option of taking all necessary measures.”
These hardline comments, coupled with China’s recent efforts in international legal warfare to alter Taiwan’s status into a province of China, as well as its new military exercises in waters surrounding Taiwan, continue to destabilize the Taiwan Strait and threaten the region. China’s actions are testing the resolve of not only the people of Taiwan, but also like-minded partners that have a stake in regional peace and stability.
When the Chinese leaders no longer hide their intentions, we must ask the question: Who will be next if Taiwan falls? To me, Taiwan should never allow that scenario to happen. We are absolutely committed to defending ourselves from the onslaught of Chinese expansionism. We understand our responsibilities beyond our borders. We need to be resilient to show to the world that democracy is the better path for mankind. My dear friends, now the democratic Taiwan is the David struggling with the authoritarian Chinese Goliath. Democracy will prevail, and Taiwan will prevail.
Taiwan-US Partnership at Its Best
While the threat posed by China is becoming graver, our relations with the US are growing stronger than ever as we prepare to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Taiwan Relations Act (TRA).
Enacted on April 10, 1979, the TRA was born of the need to protect significant security and commercial interests between Taiwan and the US in the wake of the change of diplomatic recognition from Taipei to Beijing. It has played an indispensable role in shaping American strategy in Asia and provided a reliable security umbrella that allowed Taiwan to blossom into one of the world’s leading free-market democracies. The TRA has served as a guiding principle and a cornerstone for a deep, robust, and comprehensive partnership between Taiwan and the US.
There is no better time to reinforce this special bond and build on our strong ties and our shared values as we celebrate four decades of enduring friendship. Since President Tsai assumed office in May 2016, the Taiwan US partnership has become much stronger. The bipartisan support on Capitol Hill has been phenomenal, as we see bills, legal clauses and statements supporting Taiwan passed by the House and Senate one after another. Significant progress has also been made in the area of security cooperation, as evidenced by multiple announcements of arms sales. In addition, we have received unprecedented US support for Taiwan’s international participation. As for political exchanges, we have seen a record number of federal and state officials visiting Taiwan, including your very own Marie Royce, who came to Taiwan for the dedication ceremony of the huge, state-of-the-art new AIT complex, which is a concrete symbol of the rock-solid Taiwan-US relationship.
To celebrate 40 years of strong relations, my Ministry has worked with our US counterparts to roll out a yearlong campaign with the motto “Enduring Partnership.” We will showcase this relationship through activities that highlight the cultural, educational, and historical ties between our two countries, as well as events that underscore our joint interests and values. For example, I am pleased to tell you that as we speak, Taiwan is holding a regional dialogue on religious freedom, the first-ever regional forum following last year’s Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom in Washington, DC.
Some of you have probably noticed that US officials, including Secretary of State Pompeo, describe Taiwan as “a reliable partner, a democratic success story, and a force for good in the world.” I am yet to find another country enjoying such a high regard by the US government, and Taiwan is rather proud of it.
Taiwan’s Role for the Free and Open Indo-Pacific
As the Trump administration carries out its strategy for Asia, Taiwan marches forward in lockstep with our most vital partner and serves as an ideal ally for like-minded countries in the pursuit of a free and open IndoPacific. Our indispensable relationship with the United States is the best example to chart a collaborative path for the entire Indo-Pacific and like-minded countries around the world. Despite China’s mounting pressure campaign to unjustly exclude Taiwan from international fora, to sever Taiwan’s ties with diplomatic allies, and to isolate Taiwan from regional trade blocs, it has never for one day stopped Taiwan from contributing to the world where we can, and defending the liberal international order and universal values where we must.
The best way to defend Taiwan, as President Tsai declared in her National Day address last year, is to make ourselves indispensable and irreplaceable to the world. This means that Taiwan must be ready and prepared to be more outward looking and to do all the heavy lifting necessary to turn dreams into reality. And this is Taiwan’s commitment to our “value-based diplomacy,” embracing each and every like-minded partner to build a common future for a peaceful, prosperous, free and open Indo-Pacific in generations to come.
Allow me to be blunt: our “warm power” trumps authoritarian “sharp power”.
Taiwan has proactively reached out to our neighbors via President Tsai’s signature New Southbound Policy. The essence of this policy is to strengthen democratic institutions, collective security, commercial relationships, and people-to-people linkages across the region.
We are also committed to supporting the development of countries in the Indo-Pacific in ways that do not saddle them with debt and flood their markets with cheap imports. We have set forth our Official Development Assistance, or ODA, to support infrastructure and development projects in countries across the region. This represents our belief that Taiwan, with our expertise in transportation, logistics, and construction, can play a bigger role in the future development of the region. We are also gradually building up partnerships with the US and Japan in this regard. In addition to this, across the blue Pacific, our agricultural and medical teams work day in and day out to improve the livelihoods of people in some of the smallest states in the world—countries that may have been neglected by the international community but we are absolutely committed to supporting.
Also in line with our value-based diplomacy, both our government and civil society are increasingly active in sharing Taiwan’s soft power in the region and across the world. For example, both Taiwan and the US have been working on the Global Cooperation and Training Framework, or GCTF, to contribute to issues ranging from women’s empowerment, media literacy, public health, digital economy, and environmental protection, to humanitarian assistance and disaster relief. Furthermore, from supporting demining efforts in war-torn Syria through our membership in the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS, to providing humanitarian assistance to displaced Venezuelans, and to combating Ebola in Africa, we have strived to be a powerful force for good in the world.
To conclude, I would like to stress again, Taiwan is a frontline state defending democracy, freedom and the global rules-based order. We seek to strengthen our democracy, safeguard our freedom of the press and speech, and shine brightly as a beacon of hope for many who also aspire to breathe the air of freedom and democracy. At this critical juncture where great-power competition exacerbates and ideological battle looms, Taiwan has made its choice clear: We stand with the forces of freedom and democracy. When we stand together, we stand stronger. Together we rise and together we resolve to be a force for good in the world.
Thank you all.

