


【外交】 【政治】 【社會】 【軍事】 【經濟】 【港澳】 【兩岸關係】
【政治、港澳】 【政治、外交】 【外交、兩岸關係】 【軍事、兩岸關係】
001【外交】 Go Top

"Clinton's Chinese Journey", The Economist, V.348, N.8075, July 4-10, 1998, p.23.

"Clinton's Visit Fully Prepared for Transfer Technology to China 'Absurd'", BeijingReview, V.41, N.23, pp. 4-5.

"The New, and Improved, China Awaiting Clinton", The Economist, V.347, N.8074, June 27, 1998, pp. 27-8.

"Welcom to China, Mr. Clinton", The Economist, V.347 N.8074. June 27, 1998, pp. 15-6.



Forney Matt, "China Gives Clinton a Nationwide Audience", Far Eastern Economic Review, V.161, N.28, July 9, 1998, p.14

Lawrence V. Susan, "Clinton Treats China as a Global Power, but Both Sides are Still Wary", Far Eastern Economic Review, V.161, N.28, July 9, 1998, pp.12-4.

Neumann A. Lin, "American TV Gets Double Vision over China", Far Eastern Economic Review, V.161, N.28, July 9, 1998, p.15

Yong Deng, "The Chinese Conception of National Interests in International Relations", The China Quarterly, N.154, June 1998, pp.308-29.


李雪嚴,「李登輝下令破壞江克高峰會」,鏡報月刊,第7期,July 1, 1998,頁72-5。

夏冰,「日本眼裏的中美峰會」,亞洲週刊,第12卷,第27期,July 6-12, 1998,頁23-4。

蘇昌平,「中美關係中的台灣因素」,鏡報月刊,第7期,July 1, 1998,頁76-7。
002【政治】 Go Top

"Taiwan Watches Nervously", The Economist, V.348, N.8075, July 4-10, 1998, pp.24.

Branegan Jay, "Under the Red Carpet", TIME, V.151, N.26, July 6, 1998, pp.16-7.

Dorinda Elliott, "The Ties that Bind", Newsweek, V.132, N.2, July 13, 1998, pp.20-2.

Frank Ching, "China: Keep Probing for Truth", Far Eastern Economics Reviews, V.161, N.27, July 2, 1998, p. 40.

Joseph S. Nye "As China Rises, Must Others Bow? ", The Economist, V.347, N.8074, June 27, 1998, pp. 21-3.

Steven Strasser, "Skirmish in Beijing", Newsweek, V.132, N.1, July 6, 1998, pp.10-5.

亞衣,「憲政民主是中國新出路-訪于浩成」,北京之春,第62期,July, 1998,頁65-71。

崔之元,「中美領袖重新建國比較」,亞洲週刊,第12卷,第27期,July 6-12, 1998,頁15。

張偉國,「『六四』九週年與中國政治變動」,北京之春,第62期,July, 1998,頁9-13。

葉白成,「印巴核試與南亞風雲」,海峽評論,第91期,July 1, 1998,頁8-10。

羅冰,「江朱被指違反憲法」,爭鳴,第249期,July 1, 1998,頁10-1。

羅冰,「江承認中共走向跨台」,爭鳴,第249期,July 1, 1998,頁8-9。
003【社會】 Go Top

Deborah Lutterbeck, "Blind Faith", Far Eastern Economic Review, V.161, N.27, July 2, 1998, pp. 28-9.

Trish Saywell, "Making Waves", Far Eastern Economic Review, V.161, N.27, July, 1998, p. 34.

何法,「中宣部加緊箝掣新聞報導」,前哨月刊,第90期,July1, 1998,頁19-21。
004【軍事】 Go Top

毛鑄倫,「南亞核武競賽與中國的關係」,海峽評論,第91期,July 1, 1998,頁6-7。

令狐衍,「話說世上核子武器」,鏡報月刊,第7期,July 1, 1998,頁 78-9。
005【經濟】 Go Top

Bing Xiang, "China's WTO Accession", Far Eastern Economics Reviews, V.161, N.27, July 2, 1998, p. 28.

Trish Saywell, "Beijing's Blues", Far Eastern Economics Reviews, V.161, N.27, July 2, 1998, p. 67.

宋鎮照,「日圓、人民幣和新台幣之三角政經關係」,海峽評論,第91期,July 1, 1998,頁14-9。

006【港澳】 Go Top

"A High-rise Bust", The Economist, V.347, N.8074, June 27, 1998, pp. 28-9.

Burton Sandra, "The Enemy Within", TIME, V.151, N.26, July 6, 1998, pp. 14-5.

Maureen Pao, "Hong Kong's Government Fails to Stir Patriotic Fervor", Far Eastern Economic Review, V.161, N.28, July 9, 1998, pp. 62.

凌峰,「香港民主派選戰奏凱歌」,北京之春,第62期,July, 1998,頁76-9。

楊格斯,「『一國兩制』不如『殖民統治』」,爭鳴,第249期,July 1, 1998,頁30-32。

劉慧卿,「香港政制民主的總結」,爭鳴,第249期,July 1, 1998,頁33-6。

007【兩岸關係】 Go Top

「主張祖國統一是台灣不可剝奪的權力」,海峽評論,第91期,July 1, 1998,頁1-2。

袁仁,「國台辦交流局打壓兩岸交流」,前哨,第90期,July 1,1998,頁22-3。
008【政治、港澳】 Go Top

黃連城,「探索『一國兩制』台灣模式」,海峽評論,第91期,July 1, 1998,頁49-51。
009【政治、外交】 Go Top

童清峰、王雲怡,「美『三不』衝擊台政壇」,亞洲週刊,第12卷,第27期,July 6-12, 1998,頁22-3。
010【外交、兩岸關係】 Go Top

「克林頓中國之行改變兩岸命運」,亞洲週刊,第12卷,第27期,July 6-12, 1998,頁7。
011【軍事、兩岸關係】 Go Top

W. Freeman, Jr., "Preventing War in the Taiwan Strait", Foreign Affairs, V.77, N.4, July/August, 1998, pp. 6-11.

