


【外交】 【政治】 【社會】 【軍事】 【經濟】
【文教】 【港澳】 【兩岸關係】
【外交】 Go Top

Bruce Gilley, Julian Baum," Canal Of Contention ",Far Eastern Economic Review,V.162, N.42,Oct. 21, 1999,pp.28-29.

Micheal Yahuda,"China's Foreign Relations: The Long March, Future Uncertain",The China Quarterly,N.159,Sep. 1, 1999,pp.640-649.

未名,「面對現實的江澤民外交」,廣角鏡,N.325,Oct. 16, 1999,頁 16-19。

范禮、王健民,「江澤民訪英走向多極化」,亞洲週刊,V.13, N.43,Oct. 25-31, 1999,頁 47-48。

唐家璇,「為了爭取和平與發展的國際環境---新中國外交的理論與實踐」,瞭望,N.817,Sep. 27, 1999,頁 22-26。

劉寧榮,「議會外交暗藏機鋒」,亞洲週刊,V.13, N.43,Oct. 25-31, 1999,頁 49。

羅冰,「中共跨世紀外交政策」,爭鳴,N.265,Nov. 1, 1999,頁 13-15。
【政治】 Go Top

Daniel V. Dowd, Allen Carlson, Shen Mingming," The Prospects for Democratization in China:evidence from the 1995 Beijing Area Study ",Journal of Contemporary Chins,V.8, N.22,Nov. 1, 1999,pp.365-380.

John P. Burns," The People's Republic Of China at 50: National Political Reform",The China Quarterly,N.159,Sep. 1, 1999,pp.580-594.

Micheal Schoenhals,"Political Movements, Change and Stability: The Chinese Communist Party in Power",The China Quarterly,N.159,Sep. 1, 1999,pp.595-605.

Pitman B. Potter,"The Chinese Legal System :Continuing Commitment to the Primacy of State Power",The China Quarterly,N.159,Sep. 1, 1999,pp.673-683.

Terry Mccarthy," The New Guard ",TIME,V.154, N.16,Oct. 25, 1999,pp.26-28.

余生,「從鄧小平帝國到江澤民王朝」,爭鳴,N.265,Nov.1, 1999,頁 76-80。

唐文成,「中共第四代『領導框架』已明國企的《決定》顯示理論突破」,鏡報,N.268,Nov. 1, 1999,頁 24-26。

張祖樺,「中國政治改革的總體目標:建立憲政民主改革」,當代中國研究,N.66,Jun. , 1999,頁 54-76。

張偉國,「新聞自由與組黨運動」,動向,N.170,Oct. 15, 1999,頁 40-41。

野潭,「江澤民在十五屆四中的講話」,鏡報,N.268,Nov. 1, 1999,頁 22-23。

羅冰,「朱鎔基淚灑會場痛籲政改」,爭鳴,N.265,Nov. 1, 1999,頁 10-12。

蘇紹智,「政改是國企改革成功的前提─評中共四全會的《決定》」,爭鳴,N.265,Nov. 1, 1999,頁 49-54。

蘇紹智,「鄧小平時代中共政治體制改革的理論和實踐」,當代中國研究,N.66,Jun. , 1999,頁 77-91。

龔文容,「中共構建跨世紀領導新體制」,廣角鏡,N.325,Oct. 16, 1999,頁 42-43。
【社會】 Go Top

" China Undesirable, Maybe, But Vital ",The Economist,V.353, N.8141,Oct. 16-22, 1999,pp.31-32.

Che-po Chan," The Political Pragmatism of Chinese University Students: 10 years after the 1989 movement ",Journal of Contemporary China,V.8, N.22,Nov. 1, 1999,pp.381-403.

Elisabeth J. Croll,"Social Welfare Reform: Trends and Tensions",The China Quarterly,N.159,Sep. 1, 1999,pp.684-699.

Jean C. Oi,"Two Decades of Rural Reform in China: An Overview and Assessment",The China Quarterly,N.159,Sep. 1, 1999,pp.616-628.

Lorien Holland," China: Poor, And Poorer ",Far Eastern Economic Review,V.162, N.42,Oct. 21, 1999,pp.26-28.

Melinda Liu, Katharina Hesse," China: Crisis of Faith ",Newsweek,V.133, N.19,Nov. 8, 1999,pp.26-27.

Tianjian Shi," Economic Development and Village Elections in Rural China ",Journal of Contemporary China,V.8, N.22,Nov. 1, 1999,pp.425-442.

何清漣,「當代中國的社會認同危機─法輪功事件的啟示」,當代中國研究,N.66,Jun. , 1999,頁 16-25。

蕭明,「開發中西不是全局性的發展戰略」,鏡報,N.268,Nov. 1, 1999,頁 30-33。
【軍事】 Go Top

David Shambaugh,"The People's Liberation Army and the People's Republic at 52: Reform at Last",The China Quarterly,N.159,Sep. 1, 1999,pp.660-672.

Susan V. Lawrence," Military Lessons ",Far Eastern Economic Review,V.162, N.44,Nov. 4, 1999,p.28.

伊然,「解放軍將迎來裝備發展新階段」,鏡報,N.268,Nov. 1, 1999,頁 38-39。

林克,「中共推出二代軍頭準備『武力保台』」,商業周刊,N.622,Oct. 25-31, 1999,頁 59。

原鍾,「北京軍事領導班底新布局」,前哨,N.106,Nov. 1, 1999,頁 19-20。

陸宏偉,「海峽兩岸情報戰」,廣角鏡,N.325,Oct. 16, 1999,頁 28-31。
【經濟】 Go Top

Bruce Gilley," Marriages On The Rocks ",Far Eastern Economic Review,V.162, N.43,Oct. 28, 1999,pp.64-66.

Nayan Chanda, Susan V. Lawrence, Shada Islam," Clinton's WTO Deal ",Far Eastern Economic Review,V.162, N.43,Oct. 28, 1999,p.14.

Robert F. Dernberger,"The People's Republic of China at 50: The Economy",The China Quarterly,N.159,Sep. 1, 1999,pp.606-615.

王振中,「透視WTO與中國:關於中國加入WTO的理性思考」,中國評論,N.23,Nov. 1, 1999,頁 5-9。

思銳,「人民幣匯率還能挺多久」,廣角鏡,N.325,Oct. 16, 1999,頁 32-35。

趙濤,「十五屆四中全會敲定國企改革攻堅戰大計」,瞭望,N.817,Sep. 27, 1999,頁 1-4。
【文教】 Go Top

" Asia's Lethal Computers Nerd World War ",The Economist,V.353, N.8143,Oct. 30 - Nov. 5, 1999,p.32.

顧海兵,「試論中國的高等教育體制改革」,當代中國研究,N.66,Jun. , 1999,頁 132-138。
【港澳】 Go Top

" Kong's Kong Troubled Voice ",The Economist,V.353, N.8142,Oct. 23, 1999,p.33.
【兩岸關係】 Go Top

Julian Baum," Troublesome Friend ",Far Eastern Economic Review,V.162, N.43,Oct. 28, 1999,p.22.

Susan V. Lawrence," China Doctrine Of Deterrence ",Far Eastern Economic Review,V.162, N.41,Oct. 14, 1999,pp.26-27.

Susan V. Lawrence," Jiang Cuts Unheroic Image ",Far Eastern Economic Review,V.162, N.41,Oct. 14, 1999,p.27.

「“一國兩制”是實現統一的唯一道路」,瞭望,N.815,Sep. 13, 1999,頁 1。

史湘洲,「“和平統一 一國兩制”─偉大的構想 偉大的實踐」,瞭望,N.817,Sep. 27, 1999,頁 62-66。

辛容,「北京對台政策的戰略調整」,鏡報,N.268,Nov. 1, 1999,頁 34-35。

李倫生,「從兩德統一看中國統一」,動向,N.170,Oct. 15, 1999,頁 42-43。

曹建明,「透視WTO與中國:WTO與兩岸關係」,中國評論,N.23,Nov. 1, 1999,頁 10-16。

鄭宇碩,「從『兩國論』看中國大陸對台政策」,中國評論,N.23,Nov. 1, 1999,頁 34-37。

魯凡之,「關於『一個中國』的前途構想」,中國評論,N.23,Nov. 1, 1999,頁 43。

