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MAC’s Response Regarding the Press Conference Held by the Mother of Murder Victim Poon Hiu-wing from Hong Kong

  • Date:2021-10-20

1. The Ministry of Justice has explained that due to jurisdiction, this case is still under investigation by the Taiwan Shilin District Prosecutors Office in accordance with law. A wanted notice was issued for the arrest of suspect Chan Tong-kai, who had absconded back to Hong Kong. Since the integrity and legitimacy of evidence are incontestable, the Hong Kong government should pragmatically respond to Taiwan’s earlier request for mutual judicial assistance in providing relevant evidence in Hong Kong to ensure smooth progress of follow-up investigation and trial of the case.

2. The surrendering of Chan Tong-kai as a murder suspect in Taiwan is not simply a matter of visa issuance. It involves the jurisdiction of Taiwan and Hong Kong authorities and the exercise of related public authorities. The Taiwan and Hong Kong governments must first negotiate relevant issues before handling Chan's entry to Taiwan.

3. Our government sympathizes with the grief of the victim's family in their desire to bring the suspect to justice. It is also determined to realize judicial justice and do justice for family members of the victim. The government earnestly calls on the Hong Kong government to communicate with Taiwan as soon as possible, and calls for mutual judicial assistance to ensure that the suspect is duly punished under the law.

4. Regarding Hong Kong government officials deliberately downgraded Taiwan with the name "Taiwan, China" during interviews, the MAC solemnly reiterates: the Republic of China (ROC) is a sovereign state. Taiwan has never been part of the People's Republic of China (PRC). The Hong Kong government must face up to this fact. In the face of the helpless mourning family of the victim, the Hong Kong government not only failed to assist them, but had the mood to engage in political manipulation. The MAC finds this truly incomprehensible and regrettable.
