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Jul 24, 2007, No. 062

  • Date:2007-07-24

MAC: Taiwan, as an independent sovereign country, is entitled to participate in the United Nations

Regarding Taiwan's bid to join the United Nations (UN), the Mainland Affairs Council (MAC) reiterated today (June 24, 2007) that Taiwan, as an independent sovereign country, is an indispensably important member of the international community, and is entitled to participate in the UN. The MAC sternly denounces Chinese authorities for using the absurd "one China principle" as an excuse to justify the UN Secretariat’s rejection of the written application Taiwan filed for UN membership. This gesture indicates that China's attempts are aimed at manipulating the international community to suppress Taiwan, which only further highlights that Beijing dares not face up to the fact that the Republic of China is an independent sovereign country and that Taiwan and China have no jurisdiction over each other. China's various hegemonic acts have seriously undermined the basic human rights of the 23 million Taiwanese people. These actions have also produced retrogression in cross-strait relations and estranged the feelings between the people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait.

The MAC states that the Chinese government has long since created confusion in the international arena and the Taiwan Strait by constantly publicizing its "one China" principle in an attempt to annex Taiwan. It has deceived the international community and used every conceivable means to suffocate Taiwan's space for survival and development in the international arena. At present, China even imposes a political framework that runs counter to reality on the affairs and operations of the UN. This not only deviates entirely from the UN's long-standing principle of "universality of membership," but also violates the notion put forth by the UN Charter that all people are equal. All of this is highly inconsistent with the UN's long-term call for international peace and equality. This is a grave provocation against the dignity of the UN.

The MAC indicates that Taiwan's peaceful appeal to participate in the international community transcends the ideology of unification vs. independence as well as political frameworks. It represents the shared aspiration of the Taiwanese people. The government will never waver in its determination to actively seek participation in the UN and pursue a policy orientation that respects the will of the Taiwanese people. The MAC calls on Chinese authorities to abandon their faulty and ossified political mindset and correctly understand the determination and effort of Taiwan’s mainstream to participate in international organizations and strive for basic human rights. This is the way to prevent misjudgment of the cross-strait situation. Past experience has clearly shown that Chinese actions will ultimately backfire if China attempts to undermine or interfere with Taiwan's pursuit of democracy, survival and peace.
